Holey Golf - Brackeys GameJam #3 Mac OS

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  • In February 2020, Brackeys the beloved game development YouTuber hosted his 3rd official game jam on itch.io: Brackeys 2020.1 Game Jam. In this game jam, developers had 1 week to complete a completely new game based on the jam’s theme. For Brackeys 2020.1 game jam, the theme was Holes.
  • A downloadable game. Download Now Name your own price. Fill The Holes with Catapult. This is the First jam we participate hope u guys enjoy it.
  • This time, I made a game in just 3 days! I joined the Brackeys game jam.Play the game for free here: you lik.
  • Golf Digest Tournament Shop Prize Packages also provide the perfect sponsorship opportunity to help you reach your organization’s fundraising goals. Included with every hole in one prize package are full color signs for all four par 3 holes featuring the selected prizes - and all signs can be customized with your sponsor's name.
  1. Holey Golf - Brackets Game Jam #3 Mac Os X
  2. Holey Golf - Brackets Game Jam #3 Mac Os Pro

Holey Golf - Brackets Game Jam #3 Mac Os X

The Game

Small game made for Brackeys 2020.1 Gamejam. Available for Windows. Small game made for Brackeys 2020.1 Gamejam. Browse Games Game Jams Upload Game Devlogs Community. Quite an interesting puzzley take on a golf style game that adds a bit of challenge with the moving walls. Pretty good given only one week!

There are two players, divided by a wall, with two holes on it. https://hidden-torrent.mystrikingly.com/blog/watch-mac-os. The two players must collaborate toget as many points as they can, by disposing correctly all the wastes they pick up from ground.

If they throw wastes in the wrong bin they lose one point.

How to play

There are two players, the blue one and the green one. In the following table you will see all the controls key for the two different players.

Holey Golf - Brackets Game Jam #3 Mac Os Pro

Blue PlayerGreen Player
Moves with..'W', 'A', 'S', 'D' keys
Arrow keys
Pick up wastes / pass wastes through the wall's holes / dispose wastes in the bins'E' key'M' key


The game is made to be played in the browser on a PC. Sometimes it could happen that the browser gives you an error before the game starts. In that case, to play the game, you simply have to click on the 'OK' button on the error pop-up given by your browser.


Holey golf - brackets game jam #3 mac os pro

Holes in the Wall is a game made in one week for the Brackeys Game Jam 2021.1 with the theme: 'STRONGER TOGETHER'. How do i turn off remote control on macbook.

Code, graphics and musics by Adventure minesweeper mac os.


Updated 12 days ago
StatusIn development
Made withUnity
Tags2D, Endless, Local Co-Op, Local multiplayer, Pixel Art, Speedrun, Tilemap based tools
Average sessionA few minutes
InputsKeyboard, Mouse
MultiplayerLocal multiplayer
Player count1 - 2

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